Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Join Hands to See them Live....

The world’s remaining tiger populations exist in small, isolated fragments that are constantly threatened by the illegal hunting of tigers and their prey. As recently as one hundred years ago, up to 100,000 tigers roamed the forests and grasslands of Asia but today less than 5,000 tigers survive in the wild, and that number continues to plummet. In the past few years alone, some tiger populations have been completely eliminated, even from what were considered to be well-protected areas. Despite such setbacks, expansive areas of existing and potential tiger habitat still exist in many parts of Asia. Tigers can make a comeback if the most critical threats to their existence, poaching of tigers and their prey are addressed effectively and immediately.
                  Many believe that in our lifetime, iconic species like tigers, snow leopards, and lions will simply disappear from the wild. But I envisions a world where tigers will live forever, snow leopards will be seen peering down from snow-covered rock outcrops, and lions will always move across the African savannahs. We must work tirelessly to make such dreams become reality. Please join me in supporting, enacting relevant and effective conservation measures, and building the necessary partnerships that will be instrumental in ensuring a long-term future for the world’s wild cats. The cats of the world need our help.

                  Wild cats are some of the most beautiful, iconic, and charismatic species roaming the planet. From the jaguars and pumas of the Americas, to the lions, leopards and cheetahs of Africa, and the tigers and snow leopards of Asia, these top predators span many of the world’s wildest landscapes. But with their habitat increasingly lost and fragmented, their prey often wiped out, and the cats themselves killed as pests or hunted for their body parts, many wild cat populations are threatened with extinction.
                  My mission is to save the world’s wild cat species and their habitats through writing to make people aware about conservation initiatives that will bring about this change, this is my request to all from of people and communities on the ground to high-level policy makers. Please do think or else one day might come when our sons and daughters will only get to see these beautiful animals in the Museum.           

1 comment:

  1. appreciatn 2 u 4 making us aware nd ur stern concern....i wish every individual takes up an initaitive
