Sunday, May 1, 2011


My Kitu’s embrace grabs hold
of something deep within my soul.
Her magic touch soothes my heart
and fills an empty hole.

My Kitu’s kisses are so soft and gentle,
more exquisite than fine wine.
Her slender fingers course through my hair,
sending shivers down my spine.

My Kitu’s gaze I dare not meet too long,
although it may be bliss.
For in her eyes of ocean blue,
I may fall into the abyss.

My Kitu‘s an earth bound angel,
whose wings she had to shed.
If my sweet be my true love,
then my true love has hair of red.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.

I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.

Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find.

That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Standard Bearer-Asian Games

The Standard-bearer in each integrated competition would become a hot topic. Yao Ming is a standard bearer in the past Olympic Games opening ceremony. Requirements for the standard-bearer is rather restrict, in addition to the outstanding performance in the field, the certain image, temperament, and social influence would be taken into consideration. Under the special situation that Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian is not in China, Liu Xiang is suffering the disease. Many people speculate the current standard-bearer of the Guangzhou Asian Games would be chosen form swimming world champion Zhang Lin and badminton Olympic champion Lin Dan.

 Companied with Lin Dan, Zhang Ling would be more likely, as the last Standard-bearer was chosen from badminton team. Zhang Lin is hot now, shortly in the Asian Games torch relay, Zhang Lin as the first torchbearer took the torch from Chinese President Hu Jintao. The media stated this moment as the change of sports idol form Liu Xiang to Zhang Ling. Zhang Lin recently rises not only as national sport idols, also the most anticipated King. So he was chosen to be the Standard-bearer in this Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bengali Dish...

The traditional society of Bengal has always been heavily aggressive; hunting, except by some local clansmen, was uncommon. However, cattle rearing has been common, as reflected in use of milk primarily for sweets and desserts. Also, as one would assume, ordinary food served at home is different from that served during social functions and festivals, and again very different from what might be served at a larger gathering (e.g. a marriage feast).
An abundant land provides for an abundant table. The nature and variety of dishes found in Bengali cooking are unique even in India. Fish cookery is one of its better-known features and distinguishes it from the cooking of the landlocked regions. Bengal's countless rivers, ponds and lakes teem with many kinds of freshwater fish that closely resemble catfish, bass, shad or mullet. Bengalis prepare fish in innumerable ways - steamed or braised, or stewed with greens or other vegetables and with sauces that are mustard-based or thickened with poppyseeds.

Bengalis also excel in the cooking of vegetables. They prepare a variety of the imaginative dishes using the many types of vegetables that grow here year round. They can make ambrosial dishes out of the oftentimes rejected peels, stalks and leaves of vegetables. They use fuel-efficient methods, such as steaming fish or vegetables in a small covered bowl nestled at the top of the rice cooker.

The use of spices for both fish and vegetable dishes is quite extensive and includes many combinations not found in other parts of India. Examples are the onion-flavored kalonji (nigella or black onion seeds), radhuni (wild celery seeds), and five-spice or paanch phoron (a mixture of cumin, fennel, fenugreek, kalonji, and black mustard seeds)

The trump card of Bengali cooking probably is the addition of this phoron, a combination of whole spices, fried and added at the start or finish of cooking as a flavouring special to each dish. Bengalis share their love of whole black mustard seeds with South Indians, but unique to Bengal is the use of freshly-ground mustard paste, which is used to make fish curry gravy or in the preparation of steamed fish. Mustard paste called Kasundi is an accompanying dipping sauce popular in Bengal.
          Being a Bengali I personally think that its the best cuisine of the world. If any one who is a true food lover tastes these, he or she will surely fall in love with it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

For Sonai...

Your cheerful smile
Your caressing hand
It's the really simple things
That make your life look so grand

You're a special woman
It's in your eyes
I see the truth
There is no disguise

It's your spirit
Maybe your soul
But my life without you
Would feel painfully old

You've been a true friend
I hope you stay
I would be so very empty
If you ever went away

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Special Gift...

The Jabulani is an Association football ball manufactured by Adidas and developed at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. It was the official match ball for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
The ball is made from eight spherically molded panels and has a textured surface intended to improve aerodynamics. Nevertheless, the ball received extensive criticism from players and coaches before and during the World Cup who said that the path of the ball through the air is unpredictable.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A dream you dream alone is only a dream...

Sometimes we get what we need and not what we want..........

Once there were 3 trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when
the 1st tree said, "Someday, I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and
precious gems and be decorated with intricate carvings. Everyone would see my beauty."

The 2nd tree said, "Someday, I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of other world.
Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull."

Finally, the 3rd tree said, "I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to my branches,
and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time, and people will always remember me."

After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon thetrees. One came to the 1st tree and said,

"This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter," and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy, because
he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.

At the 2nd tree, one of the other woodsman said, "This looks like a strong tree. I should be able to sell it to the shipyard." The 2nd tree was happy,
because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship.

When the woodsmen came upon the 3rd tree, the tree was frightened, because it knew that, if it cutsdown, its dream would not come true.
One of the woodsmen said, "I don't need anything special from my tree, so I'll take this one," and he cut it down.

When the 1st tree arrived at the carpenter's, he was made into a feed box for animals, placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for.
The 2nd tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end.
The 3rd tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.

The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one filtered day, a man and woman came to the barn. She gave birth, and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but he has no money and have to do with this. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.

Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose, and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and he stood and said "Peace," and the storm stopped. At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings
in its boat.

Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the streets, and the crowd mocked the man who was carrying it. Finally, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill. When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as possible, because Jesus Christ had been crucified on it.

The moral of this story is that, when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts. Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had imagined.

We don't always know what God's plans are for us. We just know that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best Keep it moving...pass it on, so it could inspire more people.
Sometimes the heart sees what the eyes can't.

(P.S- Thanks mom for bringing me in this world. Its the best gift I ever had.)

                                                                                                                        -by Kutu